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Weekly Update (02/03/2025)

ESPP Announcements


  • Fate of the Earth: Our Waters Symposium - Call for Abstracts

    We welcome submissions for oral and poster presentations for the symposium. Presentations and poster sessions will be held on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at the Kellogg Center. We seek abstracts that address the conference goals and are focused on this year’s theme: Our Waters. Authors are encouraged to address collaborative, interdisciplinary, and/or engaged approaches to solving water problems, although any water-related topic is welcome. Submit your abstract at: Abstract submissions due February 7th, 2025

  • WaterCube NRT Fellowship now accepting applications for Fall 2025 | Due Feb 14, 2025

    The WaterCube National Research Traineeship (NRT) program at Michigan State University (MSU) is now accepting applications. WaterCube NRT is a graduate training program for advancing data-enabled water sustainability through an equity lens. The name “WaterCube” reflects our conviction that it takes the convergence of data science, water science, and social science to solve complex, real-world water problems. The program immerses PhD students in convergent research where engineers, computer scientists, biologists, and social scientists work together to solve water problems of paramount significance.

Seminars, Workshops, and Other Events

  • Climate Cafes | February 4, 2025, 4 PM | Chittenden Hall 110

    The Graduate School’s Office of Wellbeing is hosting a series of Climate Cafés - safe spaces to express and process emotions around climate change and environmental crises more broadly. Trained facilitators will guide a small group conversation, allowing all reactions that come up to be expressed in a safe space. The primary purpose of these spaces is emotional expression and processing, not solutions/ actions to take because sometimes, in order to know how best to move forward, we need to process how we feel. Register here

  • Graduate Women in Science General Body Meeting | 4:30 PM, February 11, 2025 | BPS 1420

    Graduate Women in Science (GWIS), Mid-Michigan Chapter, is having their Spring Semester General Body meeting on Tuesday, February 11th at 4:30pm in BPS 1420. You can learn more about GWIS, our upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and get free snacks! Register Here!

  • Lunch with the Graduate School Dean | 12-1 PM, February 11, 2025

    This unique opportunity allows Graduate Students the chance to connect with The Graduate School leadership and staff in a relaxed and informal lunch setting. Connect about career and school journeys, gain understanding of The Graduate School programs that empower graduate student success and engage in candid discussions about university and student life.

  • Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop in Sustainable Development | April 4-5, 2025 | Columbia University

    Columbia University’s Sustainable Development Doctoral Society is pleased to announce its sixteenth Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop in Sustainable Development (IPWSD), which will be held in a hybrid format at Columbia University in New York City and via Zoom on April 4-5, 2025. Please submit your application by filling out the online form by February 7, 2025, 23:59 EST. Visit the event website for more details.

Scholarships, Fellowships, and Funding Opportunities

  • 2025 Excellence Award in Interdisciplinary Scholarship (EAIS)

    The MSU Chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is inviting nominations for two important distinctions: the 2025 Excellence Award in Interdisciplinary Scholarship (EAIS) and faculty and professional staff election to the Society. The EAIS is presented by the Chapter annually to a faculty team in recognition of exemplary interdisciplinary work. The selected team will be conferred with the award and an accompanying monetary prize of $1,000 at the Chapter’s annual Initiation and Award Ceremony on April 5, 2025. Please see the attached letter from selection committee chairperson Dr. Francisco Villarruel for more information about this award and the nomination process.

  • William W. Taylor & Henry A. Regier Great Lakes Fisheries Graduate Fellowship |Deadline: February 10, 2025

    Applicants must be students enrolled in a graduate program at MSU, who are performing research related to the sustainability of fish, wildlife, or water resources using an integrated or joint approach that links humans with their natural environment. Applicants shall demonstrate a dedication to understanding factors affecting the sustainability of Great Lakes fisheries ecosystems along with excellent academic credentials, evidence of leadership, ability to communicate to the public as well as professional communities, and the ability to solve problems creatively.

  • Vera M. Wallach Fellowship Fund for Graduate Students |Deadline: February 12, 2025

    The Vera M. Wallach Fellowship for Graduate Students is for Michigan State University graduate students studying wildlife management, wildlife ecology, or natural resource management, or conducting Arctic and Antarctic research, with emphasis on the protection and preservation of wildlife in those regions.

  • Theodore Roosevelt Conservation and Environmental Leadership Fellowship | Deadline: February 12, 2025

    The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation and Environmental Leadership Fellowship was established to enable graduate students from a variety of disciplines to build their leadership capacity early in their career. Fellowships are intended to help recipients achieve a level of professional and personal growth that prepares them for leadership roles in natural resources and conservation-based organizations and agencies.

  • The Rose Graduate Fellowship Fund in Water Research Graduate Student Award | Deadline: February 17, 2025

    This fellowship will benefit students enrolled in any graduate program at MSU to help to address the looming global water crisis and support the next generation of scientists who will help us solve water problems here in Michigan, the Great Lakes, nationally, and globally.

Jobs and Training Opportunities

  • Instructional Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Mississippi

    The College of Liberal Arts at the University of Mississippi invites applications for the position of Instructional Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies. The successful candidate will teach two undergraduate courses in environmental studies per semester, including ENVS 101: Introduction to the Environmental Humanities. They will also serve as the program coordinator for the Environmental Studies program. A Ph.D. in Environmental Studies or a related field is required at the time of employment, as is a record of excellence in teaching. Visit the College website at for more information: Apply online at Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, writing sample, and the contact information of three references.

  • Stanford Postdoc Recruitment Program (PRISM) | Deadline: February 25, 2025

    PRISM is designed for graduate students from all fields who want to explore world-class postdoctoral training at Stanford University. Twice a year, PRISM offers travel funds for an exclusive chance for you to experience Stanford’s cutting-edge research environment, connect with faculty and lab groups, and immerse yourself in its vibrant postdoctoral community.