Summer Research Fellowships

Summer Research Fellowships
The Environmental Science and Policy Program (ESPP) announces the 2024 Summer Research Fellowship for students currently enrolled in ESPP graduate programs at MSU. The goal of the program is to support the next generation of scientists and to advance work in environmental science and policy at Michigan State University. The fellowship funds are to be used to enhance the educational and research experience of graduate students at MSU whose research focuses on cross-cutting issues related to environmental science and policy. Fellowship recipients will be expected to present the results of their research at the ESPP Student Research Symposium, which will take place in the Fall of 2024.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Criteria for the award are as follows:
  • The student must be currently enrolled in a graduate program at Michigan State University.
  • The student must be currently enrolled in one of ESPP’s graduate programs (i.e., Dual Major Doctoral Degree Program, Graduate Specialization in Environmental Policy, or Modeling Certificate). Preference will be given to dual major doctoral students.
  • Students must enroll for at least one credit during Summer 2024.
  • The student must demonstrate sound academic achievement and potential for future academic success.
  • Preference will be given to students whose research is interdisciplinary.
  • First-time applicants will be given priority over prior recipients of ESPP funds.
  • The selection of fellowship recipients will attempt to strike a balance across different academic disciplines.

Each Fellowship will provide funding up to $1,500 for the summer of 2024. Expenses should directly support the student’s research; allowable expenses include travel, software, instrumentation costs, and research participant support costs. Equipment and salaries for the student are not allowable expenses for these funds. If travel is included, a travel waiver must be approved prior to anticipated travel dates and follow MSU travel policies. Students may not request support for activities or supplies that are already covered through other fellowships from the College of Social Science. However, students may work with their units to cost-share project expenses if the proposed activities exceed the amount of any individual award.

All Fellowship recipients will be expected to present results from their research at the ESPP Student Research Symposium during the Fall 2024 semester. Fellowship recipients also are expected to attend at least one group meeting. The meeting is intended to introduce fellowship recipients to one another, foster connections among the 2024 fellowship recipient cohort, and answer any questions recipients may have about the fellowships.

Application Process

Applications should include:
  • Completed application form
  • Short proposal (not to exceed 1000 words). Students should describe their research goals, proposed plan for using the summer fellowship funds, and how their research will advance work in environmental science and policy at Michigan State University. The proposal should also briefly describe how the funds would support the student’s academic program, such as time to completing their degree and/or professional goals.
  • Confidential letter of support from major advisor. Students should request a letter from their major advisor. This letter should include the faculty member’s assessment of: (1) student performance toward degree completion; (2) potential to complete their degree in a timely manner; and (3) the student’s interest in and commitment to environmental science and policy. The letter should also address how the student’s research contributes to the faculty’s larger research program, including, if appropriate, how the student’s research enhances the group’s competitiveness in obtaining future funding. The letter should be sent directly to ESPP via email ( by the major advisor.
  • Current CV or resume.

The ESPP Graduate Program Council will review proposals and make recommendations to the director of ESPP based on the criteria described in the above Eligibility and Selection Criteria section. The ESPP director and associate director will make final award decisions based on the reviews and availability of funding. Summer Research Fellowship offers will be made by March 1, 2024.

Application Submission and Deadline

Applications should be submitted via email to with “Summer Research Fellowship Application” in the subject line. All application materials must be submitted by 5:00 pm EST on the due date. No late applications will be accepted.  Due date: TBD

2024 Recipients


Clara Graucob (Fisheries and Wildlife)

Title of proposed project: Resilience: From Assessment to urban policy



Jincheng Huang (Fisheries and Wildlife)

Title of proposed project: The impacts of COVID-19 on Global Land Use Change and Biodiversity

Miyeon Kim (Communication)

Title of proposed project: The effect of dynamic norm messages and the moderating effect

2023 Recipients

Sneha Sainjoo (Fisheries and Wildlife)

Title of proposed project: Understanding the dynamics of Farmers’ Adaptation to the Impacts of Dams and Climate Change: A Case of Ajhang Irrigation Dam, Cambodia