Outstanding Student Publication Award

Student Publication Award

The ESPP Outstanding Student Publication Award (OSPA) is created to recognize excellence in research addressing environmental science and policy, published in peer-reviewed journals, and lead or sole-authored by a student currently enrolled in the Environmental Science and Policy Program’s (ESPP) Dual Major Doctoral Degree, Graduate Specialization in Environmental Policy, and Graduate Certificate in Environmental and Social Systems Modeling. Papers are eligible if they appeared “in print” during the calendar year previous to the year in which you apply.

To apply, please submit:

  • A cover letter briefly addressing the interdisciplinarity of the idea, team, and/or contribution; potential for impact (i.e., journal standing or citations); and direct or indirect implications for environmental policy.
  • A PDF copy of your publication.

Please email your application to espp@msu.edu with the subject line “ESPP outstanding student publication award” by February 1, 2024

Submissions will be reviewed by ESPP award committee to make the final recommendations. Recipients of the award will receive a certificate and a monetary reward of $500.

2023-2024 Recipient

Xin Lan

Title: Long-term water temperature changes in Seneca Lake and their nexus to climate change and
human activities

Journal: Environmental Research Communications

Additional contributors: Lifeng Luo, Zhicheng Xu, Yuean Qiu, and Xiang Yu

2022-2023 Recipients

Gabriela Shirkey

Title: Fine resolution remote sensing spectra improves estimates of gross primary production of cropland

Journal: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

Additional contributors: Ranjeet John, Jiquan Chen, Kyla Dahlin, Michael Abraha, Pietro Sciusco, Cheyenne Lei, and David E. Reed

Liang Zhao

Title: Five-week warning of COVID-19 peaks prior to the Omicron surge in Detroit, Michigan using wastewater surveillance

Journal: Science of the Total Environment

Additional contributors: Yangyang Zou, Yabing Li, Brijen Miyani, Maddie Spooner, Zachary Gentry, Sydney Jacobi, Randy E. David, Scott Withington, Stacey McFarlane, Russell Faust, Johnathon Sheets, Andrew Kaye, James Broz, Anil Gosine, Palencia Mobley, Andrea W.U. Busch, John Norton, and Irene Xagoraraki

2021-2022 Recipients

Veronica Frans

Title: Integrated SDM database: Enhancing the relevance and utility of species distribution models in conservation management

Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Additional Contributors: Amélie A. Augé, Jim Fyfe, Yuqian Zhang, Nathan McNally, Hendrik Edelhoff, Niko Balkenhol, and Jan O. Engler

Yingjie Li

Title: Synthesizing social and environmental sensing to monitor the impact of large-scale infrastructure development

Journal: Environmental Science and Policy

Additional Contributors: Yuqian Zhang, Leigh Anne Tiffany, Ruishan Chen, Cai Meng, and Jianguo Liu