Brad Upham

Brad L. Upham
  • Associate Professor
  • Pediatrics and Human Development



Brad L. Upham, Associate Professor in the College of Human Medicine's Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, conducts basic research in the field of toxicology, directs research translation projects, and conducts community engagement for the Michigan State University Superfund Research Center(MSU-SRP). His basic research program studies how environemntal contaminants alter cell signaling pathways at the molecular level to produce adverse health outcomes, with particular emphasis on carcinogens. He also studies how natural products interact with these cell signaling pathways to prevent the toxic effects of environmental contaminants.

Professor Upham leads the Research Translation Core (RTC) and is a co-investigaor for the Community Engagement Core (CEC) at the MSU-SRP, which is funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science. The MSU-SRP conducts health-oriented research on risks from exposure to chemicals commonly found in Superfund sites, and on remediation technologies that might eliminate the potential for exposure to such chemicals. The RTC facilitates translation of the center's findings to external stakeholders, while the CEC serves to educate, and learn from, communities impacted by hazardous waste sites.


  • Toxicology
  • Environmental contaminants
  • Exposure to Superfund chemicals
  • Remediation technologies to eliminate the potential for exposure to chemicals