David Skole

David  Skole
  • Professor
  • Forestry




My research focuses on the relationship between forests, land use change, the global carbon cycle and climate change. We use geographical information for sustainable development and natural resource management. My work uses remote sensing and numerical carbon accounting models, and my team has been spearheading the integration of satellite remote sensing into carbon accounting models and on global environmental monitoring, particularly of tropical forests, and forest ecosystem services. In recent years we have been leading the development of measurement, reporting and verification methods for forest carbon projects, and have developed and published several protocols for A/R and REDD projects. Our research bridges both the science and policy aspects of climate change and the global carbon cycle, with work centered on carbon finance and markets, with an emphasis on small holder agro-forestry systems in developing countries.


  • Forests
  • Land use change
  • Global carbon cycle
  • Climate change