Leo Baldiga

Leo  Baldiga
  • Ph.D. Student
  • Dual Major
  • Department of Geography, Environment and Spatial Sciences
  • College of Social Science


My research interests include the areas of Agrarian Change, Natural Resource Rights, Commons Politics, Development, and Demographic and Cultural Shifts in Southeast Asia. I graduated with a BA in Comparative Cultures and Politics from MSU's James Madison College in 2020 and was a Fulbright Research Fellow at Chiang Mai University in 2021, working with local community organizations on a range of topics related to land rights, healthcare access, and statelessness. In 2022-23 I worked with the Mekong School Institute of Local Knowledge on the Mekong Water Protectors citizen science program, Mekong Youth Program, Mekong Safeguard Program, and the Mekong School Digital Library. Throughout this time I have been working on the Mekong Culture WELL (Water, Ecologies, Land, and Livelihoods) grant through the James Madison College on a household survey, ecocultural mapping, and various other projects.